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Goodbye Column: Kira Reinhartz

Photography Co-Director


Credit: Kira Reinhartz

I first heard about Rowdy magazine during my first semester at UF when someone told me that a friend-of-a-friend could not make an event due to being at a “Rowdy shoot.” I was confused (why would she be at a photo shoot for a bar?), but decided to take to Instagram to find out more. I applied for Assistant Photo Director on a whim, wanting to be involved with a new group of people and to have a creative outlet (RIP women in STEM). Angie, the previous photo director, introduced me to a world I didn't know existed in Gainesville, so when she stepped down, I jumped at the chance to try and fill her shoes. 

Rowdy has been one of the best parts of my college experience, and I wouldn’t trade the time I shared with this amazing magazine and all of the people within it for the world. When I started at UF freshman year, I swore I would never feel at home in Gainesville, but after three volumes with Rowdy, I can confidently say that sentiment has changed. Having the opportunity to meet and work with creative individuals from all walks of life has been nothing short of life-changing and I owe my current outlook to the entirety of my Rowdy fam <3

To Alex, my incredible co-director, official lighting coordinator, and work wife, I could never have done this without you. There is no one I would rather have by my side through Google Drive mishaps, model cancellations, and last-minute set changes. 

In true spirit, I’ve put off sending this goodbye in for as long as I possibly could but it is with a heavy heart that I say goodbye to Rowdy. My time with you was short, but oh so sweet and I will treasure the memories and film pictures from behind-the-scenes forever. You get better with age (but Vol.X seems like a pretty damn good one to end on). 

Hugs and kisses forever,



Kira is from Miami, FL and is a third-year Sustainability and the Built Environment major with a focus in Geodesign. When she’s not stressed in the Architecture building’s computer lab, Kira loves sleeping on the beach, hunting for vintage clothing, and planning her next trip. 


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