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Goodbye Column: Bella Falero

Marketing Director

Credit: Bella Falero


Wow, time flies. I can’t believe that here I am writing a GOODBYE COLUMN for my time in Rowdy. I used to see us post these on Instagram and think jeez, that’ll never be me. But like everything, all good things must come to an end. 

Rowdy Magazine had always been my creative outlet. A place for me to live out my wildest fantasies and center myself away from the mayhem and chaos of my go-go-go life. Rowdy was the place I could simply just be myself and no one would bat an eye. From my very first volume (V6 – shit, I know, I’m old) to my very last, my time has been marked by late night crafting sessions and Amazon wish-list building, coming up with crazy cool event themes, and connecting with others who also just want to live life and create. I will forever be grateful for that safe space Rowdy had become for me.

To the people I’ve met along the way on the marketing team that have inspired me such as Sol, Sara, Kayla, and Kiki to the incredible team I’ve had alongside me these past few volumes (you beautiful people know who you are!) I love you and I want to say thank you for trusting in me and playing into my delusions.

To Esthy, Gabi, Juliette, Lola and everyone in between, THANK YOU for continuing to foster the spirit that is Rowdy and creating that safe space for people like me and those to come. 

And finally, to Sydney, you are going to do incredible as the newest Marketing Director. Trust in yourself, trust in your team, and trust in the Rowdy fam – and ME, please, I’m already having FOMO and am here if you need anything at all!

Rowdy will always be the thing that I did in college that I will look back at and tell my kids – look, your mom was cool! For that, Rowdy, I truly thank you.


Bella Falero


Bella Falero is a fourth-year graduating with a B.S. in advertising and a minor in leadership in the spring of 2024. She served on the marketing team as its director from V6 to V10 making sure those launches and events were always the Gville talk of the town.

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