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During its final moments, A Reflection of TikTok’s Life

Awww shit. Here we go, it’s like Vine all over again.

(Kon Karampelas / Unsplash)


It’s official: TikTok, the mobile platform that taught us how to dance, make fun of Debby Ryan and even learn about our own sexualities has been told it has 45 days to live. It will have only been three years old. 

President Donald Trump signed an executive order late Thursday night outlawing any transatctions from TikTok’s owener company ByteDance and American citizens citing risks of China’s access to American’s private information and the app’s potential risk of disinformation. 

The President first warned reporters of this order while on his way back home from Florida on August 31, but nobody was quite sure if he was going to go through with it until now

The day after Trump’s warning, TikTok released a video message assuring TikTok’ers “We’re not going anywhere.” Needless to say, TikTok’s just as pissed as we all are. 

In an official statement released on Friday, Tiktok said the executive order was made “without any due process.” Additionally, despite the Trump Administration’s security concerns, TikTok's statement also said that it’s been trying to work with the government to appease its concerts for almost a year now. The statement also made clear that TikTok’s going to fight and pursue legal action against the ruling.

“As TikTok users, creators, partners, and family, you have the right to express your opinions to your elected representatives, including the White House,” the statement read. “You have the right to be heard.”

That includes when TikTokers and K-Pop Stans united to make Trump’s Tulsa Ralley a no-show on June 20th. Leading up to the rally, a viral video spread on TikTok informing viewers that they could claim a ticket for the rally for free — and not show up! The embarrassment was truly one of the most iconic moments of the year, and it’s also one reason why many think Trump’s worked so hard to shut down the app. 

Now, all we can do is keep our fingers crossed that Microsoft comes through and saves TikTok. In the meantime though, let’s take a look down memory lane and remember some of the most iconic TikTok trends that we’ll forever be grateful for. 

There was the “I'm gonna show you crazy” phase. 

The horror POV phase that kept me up at night. 

Of course, the “everything is cake” phase that caused too many to nervously puncture objects to see if it was real or made of sponge cake. 

Then there's the indie boy phase that “isn't a phase mom!”

And the dearly missed evolution of the clown check, featuring the catchy (yet terrifying) audio of a teenage girl pondering where’s her Juul. 

The app loved its dancing. Renegade, Savage, Cannibal, you name it, the app created a dance for it. It will always be very grateful for wonderful dancers such as Charli Damelio and (I need a bad bleep) Addison Rae. 

TikTok even lived through COVID-19. When places starting to close down and more millennials were getting sent home, TikTok welcomed them with (mostly) open arms.

That's the kind of app TikTok was. (Although, some Gen Z’ers are still salty about it to this day.) 

TikTok’s most recent stages of life were actually rather positive. Thousands of creators began manifesting that whoever saw the video was meant to see it by ~mystic~ forces since the post was devoid of hashtags. 

With an abundance of algorithms formulated uniquely for each person, TikTok had many sides to it. The app did have two predominant sides ruling it, though — alt/gay TikTok and straight TikTok. I think looking back on its life, we all know which side TikTok loved more. (Oh, I'm not gonna say it out loud, I think it's pretty obvious) 

On Sept. 15 when the app is said to be shut down, let’s hope a Zoom funeral can be arranged, ideally at the hype house. The queen herself, Tabitha Brown could officiate. Fairy emojis, Debby Ryan memes and your favorite TikTok audio could be offered at the end of the ceremony. 

If we all do our best to manifest this into reality, it could happen. Right? 



Lauren Rousseau is the Online Editor at Rowdy Magazine. She loves watching drug-store versions of The Bachelor and baking cookies at inappropriate hours. You can find her on Instagram at @laurenxrousseau and email her pitches at

Hannah Engel is an Online Writer at Rowdy Magazine. Her simple pleasures include playing Animal Crossing, online shopping, and taking care of her plants. She’s passionate about fashion and travel. You can find her on Instagram @hannah__engel.

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