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Open Call For Black History Month Submissions

Submit to our "Black Joy" series!

( Natasha Badal / Rowdy Magazine Graphic Designer )


Black History Month is the time to celebrate and uplift Black people. Though Rowdy's staff has been consistently working to produce content that uplifts Black voices, now we've decided to pass the microphone over to you.

Starting now, Rowdy will be accepting submissions by Black artists that celebrates Black Joy. Submissions can include anything from essays and poetry to music, videos, illustrations and photography. Really, we'll take any type of artwork that you can manage to virtually send our way. We aren't picky!

Submissions will be open from now until Friday, Feb. 26th at 11:59 p.m. EST. If accepted, submissions will be published at the end of February.

How to submit:

Submissions should be sent to

In your email, please include: a short bio of yourself that includes your name, pronouns and where you're creating your art from.

If you have any questions, please contact

Thank you for reading.


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