I feel my personality changing as we speak
CREDIT: Instagram/@siyonfoster
Season 2 of “Euphoria” is here, and all the girlies are dusting off their glitter eyeshadow palettes and unearthing their I.AM.GIA cutout pants to prepare for the personality metamorphosis that comes from watching this critically acclaimed show.
While the “Euphoria” aesthetic is iconic, Season 2’s look and feel is reportedly going to differ significantly from the look and feel of the legendary first season. “Euphoria” is ditching the holographic highlighter and shiny star stickers in favor of more raw looks. The show’s makeup artist, Donni Davy, says the looks this season are way more refined and subtle. This means we’ll be seeing less chunky glitter and neon liner and more fine shimmer and natural glam.
Donni Davy calls the looks “a more wearable version of Season 1 makeup,” but it is really a lot deeper than that. Season 2 is going to deal with even darker themes than the already-intense first season. Davy’s decision to change the makeup aesthetic is carefully calculated; she attributes the change to a newly “grown-up ‘Euphoria’” and is strategically matching the looks to the mature character development.
Sam Levinson, the director and creator of the show, wanted to completely redirect the course of “Euphoria” after Season 1.
Levinson was the one who instructed Donni Davy to reimagine the beauty looks for the new season.
The director of photography, Marcell Rév, and Sam Levinson reached out to Kodak for Ektachrome, a type of film that had previously been discontinued. Kodak converted its factory to remake Ektachrome for 35 mm film. While Season 1 had a very “in-the-moment” feel to it, Rév and Levinson wanted Season 2 to feel like a “memory of high school.” The cinematography of Season 2 has an intended emotional effect, and the reimagined makeup looks reinforce that.
The style, beauty and coloring of “Euphoria” all contain extensive symbolism, and fans are already having fun speculating as to what that symbolism means. (For example, a lot of fans have noticed that whenever Cassie wears blue, something bad happens to her.) I, for one, now measure my weeks in how many days are left until the next episode. What to do until the next episode comes out? I guess I’ll just go down a “Euphoria”-theory TikTok rabbit hole. The girls that get it, get it, and the girls that don’t, don’t.
Daniella Conde is an Online Writer at Rowdy Magazine. When she's not lost in productivity while sipping on an overpriced caffeinated beverage at a coffeeshop, you can find her binge-reading romance novels, obsessing over Taylor Swift Easter eggs or finding any possible way to flee Gainesville for the weekend.